Home > ailao, software > Studying in Prague? Join us at eClub Summer Camp!

Studying in Prague? Join us at eClub Summer Camp!

April 13th, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

With kind support of the Medialab foundation and Jan Šedivý, we are looking hard for students in Prague to work with us on a summer internship! We actually have two options for you:

  • eClub Summer Camp (main option) – we have some ambitious projects and ideas for you to try out if you are excited by machine learning, big data and artificial intelligence. Exploratory, exciting, state-of-art research without required previous in-depth knowledge! (Just good basic math and programming.)
  • Summer Job (auxiliary option, full-time coder) – we need help polishing the edges of some of our projects, seeking students that are skilled programmers.

We are mainly affiliated with FEL CVUT, but we also have students from MFF UK and we’ll welcome students from other Czech universities too. As long as you are a competent programmer, want to do something more than yet another Android game, and willing to come in person three times a week – let’s do something groundbreaking together!

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