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Dialog for YodaQA!

March 31st, 2016 Leave a comment Go to comments

One of our great student interns at eClub/Ailao Petr Marek who also made the current YodaQA web interface is now working on adding a new element to our ecosystem – the Hub. This is an interface between the web app and the YodaQA system which takes care of various tasks that don’t fit a “pure question answering” system well. For example, it tracks dialog context or allows domain-specific question handling (if you want to add support for retrieving current traffic information, TV schedules or custom question transformations).

We see voice (and chat) as the perfect fit for question answering systems like YodaQA, and together with this, dialog comes naturally. This is why Petr M. has recently transformed our live QA interface to the dialog format (and it now goes through the Hub). The dialog tracking is internally still relatively simplistic from a scientific point of view, but it’s more than enough to already create a great impression. And right now, in a simple, tongue-in-cheek informal test, YodaQA does great compared to “competition”!

See the complete presentation!

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