Home > software > speedread – A simple terminal-based open source Spritz-alike.

speedread – A simple terminal-based open source Spritz-alike.

A few hours ago, I have read about Spritz, a new speed-reading app, and I was quite impressed by the idea. I know the underlying concept is not new and I didn’t even try out Spritz itself (they announce their idea but not release the software, huh?), but this was the first time I have heard about it and I really liked it!

So I decided to implement my own terminal version of this idea, acting as a regular command-line filter. Find the new tool speedread at:


(Yes, it may not work well for beletry. Or slides. Yes, it may not work well for emails that you want to just skim for keywords. But then there’s the other 80% of text I need to chew through that does not fall in either category. I’ll have to continue trying it out for longer but it might be really useful.)

Meanwhile, I have also learned about OpenSpritz, a web-based implementation of Spritz. Can be a good match for speedread!

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  1. Adenauer
    July 31st, 2016 at 04:42 | #1

    Excelent. Speedread is very good because of the breaks on the flowing texts, when occur commas or dots. This make easier to understand text.

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