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Perl and UTF8

I love Perl and it’s my language of choice for much of the software I write (between shell at one extreme and C at the other). However, there is one thing Perl really sucks at – Unicode and UTF8 encoding support. It is not that the features aren’t there, but that getting it to work is so tricky. It is so much tricks to remember already that I started writing them down:


It’s a wiki, anyone is welcome to contribute. :-)

Categories: linux, software Tags: , , ,
  1. Eliasse Diaite
    June 25th, 2012 at 12:52 | #1

    Hi Gentleman,

    I am not a coder but I appreciate your initiative of addressing a subject that envolves a large spectrum of open source software.

    I hope that other people will soon join you on the wiki page.

    Have a lot of fun ….

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